Hmm.. by right today suppose to have HRM lect, but somehow it's e-learning i think, so dun need go sch. haha. yay! but then... not going sch doesn't mean that i can slack la. T.T got tons of projects to complete. monday and tuesday must submit entrepreneurship and marketing research projects respectively. suddenly so many things to do again. T.T and i saw my exam timetable already! begins on the 17 Aug. hmm. now that's fast. :/ i'm feeling the fear in me liao. can't affford to fail anything. i wan to graduate in 2008 ok!!!
Hurhur. feeling rather horrible now. been having this tummyache since after dinner ystd. T.T till now! it comes and go. again. think got mild food poisoning again. x.x and the worse thing is, i dun have that kind of i-wan-to-shit sensation! :/ so i can only wait till i self recover? OMG. :( i got a feeling it's that salad i had for lunch ystd... or maybe that garlic bread i had before dinner. :/ wadever. the pain is torturous. :(
i'm feeling so tired la. slept at abt 3+am.. thanks to the pain.. and woke at 8. =.=" i'm really looking more and more haggard... even my frens said so too. sighhs. i'm old already. T.T Anyways. think more and more of my sleep will be burned... due to the many many projects? seems like so many things to do.. so many things i dunno how to do. T.T and worse still, my internet connection loves playing the game of "disconnection" with me. damn! x.x simply hate it! i hate singnet la! :/
hmm. think i should go rest awhile before "climbing" the moutains of projects again. :/ i hope the pain will auto disappear later. :(
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
9:20 am
♥ 24 July, 2007
wheee~ seems long since i last blogged?
let me recall...
i cut my hair! YAY! though many commented that it doesn't look much different from before, except for the fringe. haha. but i'm happy. coz i finally cut my hair! :p but something malu-ating happened. while going home via NEL after cutting hair, was taking picture of my fringe, coz i tot it looked kind of weird. and i think a couple kind of noticed wat i was doing. sort of malu la. but dun care la. they dunno me anyway. :/ who knows! the next day, while workinghalfway, suddenly this lady seated at table 16 stopped me and asked if i was the one taking pictures of myself on NEL the previous day!!!! she and her bf(i guess) were the ones who noticed me la!! OMG! DAMN MALU CAN! to be recognised due to my own zi lian-ness. T.T had to urge to bury myself then. x.x
hmm. went drinking chilling at some ktv pub along carpenter street with colleagues after work the other day. wasn't as fun as the previous time.. probably coz lesser ppl went this time round. :/ and i was left alone at the table many times, coz my colleagues went smking, and the pub implemented the "no smking" rule. :/ haahaa. sang few songs that day... was rather ok initially... however the last song really sucked. went out of tune few times. :( but someone commented that i'm singing as if the analogue is on! but it's NOT! HAHAHA! happy. :p
Ohh. watched Harry Potter too. really a disappointment. :/ felt it was a waste of money la. T.T
hmm completed the HRM project already. presentation/skit 's up tmr. good luck to our grp. :D left with Entrepreneurship, MR and IM to go. then it will be exams!! and followed by the extremely long awaited holidays! YAY!
was supposedly free from work this whole week, however received a call halfway thru class ystd to go work. being the kind soul i've always been, i went work lor. i was wearing heels la! T.T then after that supervisor lend me one pair of her shoes. but i tihnk my feet's too big for the shoes. hurt like dunno wat. and blisters spotted! :(
received a call to help replace one of my colleague for work today. but i rejected la. leg still pain. somemore need to finish up the projects. :/ boring la. T.T
shall go watch some tv to relax my mind first. :D :D
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
7:18 pm
♥ 21 July, 2007
*yawns*. i'm so tired. back from work. bus ride was long, shaky and squeezy and yes. smelly. :/
been working sicne thursday. supervisor off. so i'm suppose to like.. "watch" over everything on her behalf. sighhs. i hate it la. REason being, it will be my job asking ppl to do things, like.. job allocation during operation hours la... which i might be deem as being bossy to some? T.T not like i wan.. but sometimes.. i just can't stand seeing ppl "floating" around the restaurant aimlessly when the rest are running here and there busy like dunno wat. these ppl just dont seem to have the initiative la. like. damn. :/ and wat's worse. i got damn pissed by some arse in the kitchen.
1st, he made fun of my name. damn lame can. so many yrs older than me yet he still do such childish stuffs like make fun of ppl's name, giving nicknames etc. 2nd. he atittude-ed me and many others la. as if he's the only busy ones. as if he's the only ine doing the things. as if the rest are not tired. fiak up. i hate self centered ppl. i really do. :/ and he always goes around saying he's quitting the job soon, and i'll not get to see him the next time i'm working. but to my great disappointment. i always see him working still la. CRAP. dare to say. don't dare to do.
anyways, been working since 11am this morning. tiring la. but luckily, the crowd was not that bad. not much f-up customers too. :x however, the turnover was slow. many seemed to have their butts glued to the chairs. :/ inconsiderate ppl. :(
was suppose to go have dessert after work with colleagues today... but i'm just too lazy, too broke, too full to go la. had spaggetti, which made my tummy grow my an inch or 2.! HAHAHA. :/
anyways, guess i should really go rest soon. been slping for less than 6hrs in total for the last 2 days. T.T even my frens commented i look haggard la. :( SAD. :/
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
12:42 am
♥ 17 July, 2007
wheee~! back to blogging. hmm. feeling ok la. not so emo already. :/
hmmm start with ystd, had GSCM presentation at 8+am in the morning. tired. :/ i hate wearing formal. so hot la! and the worse thing is, i overslept in the bus, so had to walk all the way from somewhere further down YCK mrt to sch. like. far la!!! ok la.. maybe not that far.. just.. being dressed in formal, wearing heels, holding so many things in the hands and having a big heavy bag just made things worse. :( x.x anyways. presentation was smooth i would say.. had a rather good feedback from lecturer too. :D yay! hopefully can do well. ^^v
was suppose to meet fren to go watch harry potter. end up, i got some last min stuffs on. nv go. T.T sorry la! :( but.. somehow.. was glad i nv go. aparrently, from wat i heard from my other frens.. it's the worst harry potter movie ever. waste of money etc... and considering the fact that i slept for less than 2 hrs the previous night, i cfm will fall asleep in the cinema. HAHAHHA. :x still. i feel so guilty to pang seh ppl. :x sorry!
hmm.. was suppose to cut hair at kimage today. fren's a stylist there. had told him i'll be going down at abt 5+pm.. who knoes, around 3+ he suddenly msg me, say he's not feeling well. got fever. :( SAD la! cannot cut hair today.. i was getting so excited abt cutting hair can. coz i'll probably wan to change a new hair stlye. T.T now dunno must wait till when le. :( will be working for the next few days la. sighhs. EMO! :x
let's see... gotta finish QM by... by tmr i guess. ok la.. relatively easy to do. and HRM by weekend? both presentations next week, mon and wed. siansation. :/ i hate wearing formal la! :( @$#@
yay! got program on weekends le. at least i won't have to rot at home... but getting broke though. T.T probably have to beg ask for money from mum. :/ hey. i will return k.. when i get my salary next month. my salary would be of miserable amt though. x.x how to survive?! T.T anybody kind enough to be my money tree???!! :p :p just jk. :/ ok. not funny. i'm lame. x.x
shall go watch some tv, play some games before i start on my never-seems-to-end project. :/
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
6:17 pm
♥ 15 July, 2007
@#$$%# i'm still not feeling ok. x.x i detest ppl. i detest insensitive beings. arrgh!
i hate staying home on a sunday. listening to my mum nagging away. kind of quarreled with her just now. has always felt that she favourtise my brother more. well. she doesn't admit it. watever la. the treatment is just so different. even my brother sensed it himself. how great is this. damn it.
i feel like crying. i feel like shouting. i feel like screaming till my lungs collapse. i just feel like falling into deep sleep. and hopefully by the time i wake up, everything is just fine. ok. wishful thinking that is. CRAP.
i'm beginning to detest myself... again.
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
10:45 am
♥ 14 July, 2007
i'm feeling EMO! things that happened. comments made by ppl. driving me EMO! thanks ah people.
was pissed at work today too. :( i detest people who have absolutely NO sense of responsibility and initiative. And it drives me nuts when people asks stupid questions! i doubt she has that common sense that majority do. i had enough. sometimes i really wonder, if they don't even bother. why should i?! @$#@$$@%
felt so alone. where are the people who supposedly cared just when i needed some companion. where are the people who are suppose to be around?!
i'm really breaking down soon. i teared. i cried. i dunno why. water just flowed. great.
FUCK it all!
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
11:15 pm
♥ 13 July, 2007
lalalala! i'm feeling better! coz the GSCM project is finally done! presentation on monday. sian-ed. need to wear formal. x.x hehee. so happy. one down. however, another 5 to go? :/ nvm. 再接再厉. YAY!
anyways.. will be going for some steamboat+ bowling outing. hehehe! been long sinced i stepped into marina south. like.. since june last yr, with TEP peeps? OMG. that's 1 yr. so long meh! forget liao la. :x
Hmm. will be going sch early at abt 12+, despite having class only from 3-4pm. Need to rehearse for the presentation, ensure that we dont overrun. :/ Sighhs. i think my presentation skiils are getting from bad to worse. T.T die-ed. :/
hur. feeling lazy... and bored... :/ shall update again tmr maybe.
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
9:29 am
♥ 12 July, 2007
been lazy to blog. HAHAHA. :x
anyways. as usual. overloaded with the seemingly endless projects... however, i'm always finding time to procrastinate. that probably explains why i can spend 3 hrs doing something that might take only 1 hr if i were to be more focus on it. :/
hmmm. lets see. GSCM is due on the coming monday, QM on next monday, if i'm not wrong, MR and HRM next next week? Followed by IM and Entrepreneurship next next next week. omg. that's like.. 6 projects in total. @$#@%# like WTH. seems like this semester got more projects than usual. T.T
been working lesser recently. like abt twice per week? sighhs. this means i'll be very broke next month. x.x ohh. and i wan to learn driving too.. but.. somehow. i'm a little scared. hurhur. :x
heh heh. going for some outing tmr. bowling+ steamboat probably. :D yay! i need some form of relaxation. HAHAHA. ohh. and my classmates were saying that we shall go overseas during that 2mths break after exams. i wan go!!! HAHAHA. initially they were suggesting Genting.. but mama says malaysia too dangerous. =.= don't allow. however, if it's some other countries like Taiwan or HK or maybe even Australia, she'll consider. woots! :D i wan go TAIWAN! shopping!! food!!! muahahah. :x however, the cost will also be comparatively higher. T.T x.x how. :(
sighhs. guess i shall get back to my project.
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
10:36 am
♥ 09 July, 2007
It's Monday. long day in sch today. dozed off many many times. just felt so tired. not enough slp i guess. :(
anyways. shall start off with wat i did ystd. Hmm. went Plaza Singapura, bought tix for transformers, went shopping around PS and bought a shirt at 77 street, then walk around..., went bugis street, bought a black skirt! came out perspiring. The weather melts me. x.x ok.. i'm exaggerating.. but.. the weather is really... intolerable. and damn. i hate perspiring. T.T then went bugis junction, walk around abit..
went back to PS. walked around for awhile... then went manhattan fish market! :D hmm. somehow.. dunno why.. it didn't taste as great as the 1st time i had it. :( but anyways.. we can't finish it. the portion is really.. too much. x.x after dinner, went arcade to idle the time away.. stared at other ppl playing games, that basketball thingy.. i played photo hunt. i sucked at it. T.T
went home after movie.. abt 10++
stayed up till abt 1++, 2 to do on the assumptions part for the Entrepreneurship project's financial statements.. and i realised, wat i did was of no use at all. coz apparently, my grp mates used another copy of the assumptions instead.. when i was asked to do it. like. damn. :/ i suppose i wasted my time on it. sacrificed my beauty slp for nth. T.T :x
hmm. was at work today.. as usual. busy like mad. and my mum came to dine! like. OMG. she didn't even inform me beforehand. and she came at the time whereby we are the busiest. =.= i let her cut queue, despite having many others who came before her in line. secretly. :x anyways, was glad that she and her fren enjoyed the food. :D
now.. here i am. procrastinating again. :/ i'll finish my part for the project by wednesday. i promise... hopefully. i can. :p :p ;x
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
11:55 pm
♥ 08 July, 2007
FINALLY! the long awaited sunday is arriving soon! hehe. i'm going OUT OUT OUT!! :D :D
anyways. was at work from 3-10 today. tiring. T.T guess it must be due to the fact that i've not been working long hrs often these few mths.. i felt so tired while at work today, my legs are starting to ache too. T.T old liao la. :( Hmm.. it was busy busy and still VERY busy today. there are still ppl queueing for a table at abt 9.30pm. like. WTH. x.x can't they just go elsewhere... there's just this sense of "siansation" when i see the queue... it's like.. never ending! :/ weird ppl! WHY QUEUE?! :s dun queue la! go mac, free seating and cheaper also. speedy service. :x
i'm beginning to dread going to work. T.T
hmmm. alrights. how great. my grp mates have yet to reply to the emails so far... now now now. how am i going to begin on the conclusion and executive summary?! when i dun even know if there's going to be any changes for the report? GREAT. and nobody even bothered to reply me to tell me if wat i did for my part was correct. =.=Zz. gRrr. :/
arrgh. i can't wait to graduate from sch. Apr 2008. hopefully. :/
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
12:16 am
♥ 07 July, 2007
whEe~! back home from work. again. Hmmm. sent part of the done-ed project to grp mates this afternoon before going work, till now no replies. T.T how to continue sia. dun even noe if i'm on the right track lor. :/ sian-ed. i hate projects. i really do. :(
anyways. work was busy today. ran around, clearing plates, taking orders, long queue... long waiting list. crazy ppl. i really wonder why they rather queue for abt 1hr to get a seat, than to find some other places to eat? and they wan to queue nvm, make so much noise, as if we dun wan give them the tables like that. really cant stand some ppl. T.T demanding, unreasonable yaya papayas. EEK! PUI! :/
initially wanted to stay out late with my colleagues, they wanted to go St JAmes powerhse! LOL. like.. i dunn even club, in fact, i've nv been to clubbing before. a rare species for my age huh. :/ Anyways, they dropped that clubbing idea, and decided to go some ktv pub to chill, talk talk, drink, sing instead. wanted to tag along... but mama dun allow me to stay out late. and i'm too lazy to argue with her again. so cabbed home with 1 other colleague instead. :/ and we were lucky to get a cab within 10min! on a friday night! without the need to "on call"!! :D :D
Hmm. so many DEADlines approaching soon. T.T perhaps i should really stop working for this 1mth or so? at least chiong finish all the projects 1st.. before being labeled as a free-rider. :/ seriously. i feel incompetent, as compared to my other grp mates. T.T i feel lousy. :(
anyways. work's up again tmr. rather long hours. T.T Hopefully everything is smooth-sailing. :/
Heehee. looking forward to sunday! SHOPPING!!! i wan to get a black skirt. probably of denim material i guess. :p and a top too... however i dun have any particular design in mind.. shall go walk walk see see. :p and yes! manhattan fish market! i so love the seafood platter! ok.. shall not attempt to make my tummy growl at this hour. :x
Hmm. guess shall stop here tonight. feeling lazy. as usual. :x
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
12:31 am
♥ 04 July, 2007
Hmmm. i'm home! Haha.
alrights. had napfa 2.4km run err. i meant jog/walk. Heh. i failed! damn. 18.33mins. :s sucks. T.T was so tiring. legs feeling wobbly already. x.x perhaps i should really exercise more. yes, i think i must. :/ i need motivation!! T.T
hmmm. suppose to finish up with the global supply chain project by 10pm.. but i realised, my parts are the conclusion and executive summary... which means.. i can only start working on it after all the rest finishes their parts? hmm. i think so. great. T.T another sleepless night? i hope not. really tired. T.T energy-less. :/ ok. i admit. i'm weak. :(
i'm really looking forward to weekends. seriously need some rest. :? but.. i'm only off from work on sunday. and i'll most probably go shopping? it's really time i get some new clothes. haven been buying clothes since.. CNY. ok. that's rather long. :/ shopping shopping shopping!!! hahaaa. feel like eating that seafood platter rice thingy from manhattan fish market again. got some kind of craving. heh heh. shall find someone to go with me on sunday. :p :p
hmm. saw some interesting stuffs while blog hopping. hahaa.
LOL. had a good laugh. some are quite true though. :p :p
anyways. enough of blogging for today. -gones-
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
8:32 pm
I'm confused. wondering if i had made the right decision then... he told me some stuffs. that set me thinking. perhaps. i really did make the wrong decision. was i really being too paranoid? or wat? i dunno.
getting back together, wondering if i should. well. i really have no idea.
someone said if no commitment, dun start. i guess i must be one of those who have problems with commitment, or, was it just happened that it was all with the wrong ppl? . sighhs. seriously had enough of my fickle mind. wat do i wan. i seriously do not know.
anyways. enough abt the emo stuffs. hmm. got my pay ystd. 400+ gave 200 to mum, bought a guess wallet. now left with 180. :/ sian-ed. money flies fast. :/
going to have napfa 2.4km run/walk tmr. sian-ed. guess i'll probably be aching all over again the next few days. T.T
sighhs. wish me luck pls.
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
12:34 am
♥ 02 July, 2007
Hmm. just got back from work. as usual. :/ tired. had class from 10 till 5. T.T
alrights. went out ystd. watched Transformers. haha. not bad not bad. worth a watch. :D hmm. recently seems like alot of movies i wan to watch! x.x hohoho. :x
heh. many projects gonna be due in like.. 1 mths time? :/ hur. stressed.
sighhs. been having this feeling of emptiness in me. like. argh. dunno how to explain. :(
forget it. no mood to blog today. T.T
nothing lasts forever,
only memories
10:40 pm
♥ 01 July, 2007
alrights. i'm finally back from work. damn tired.
Had napfa ystd. just do the 5 items and my whole body is acheing like mad. die-ed. must be too long nv exercise liaos. :s T.T seriously. pain la! :( whenever i bend down, go up/down teh stairs, my thighs hurt like dunno wat. :( and my shoulders. damn pain also. T.T and the 2.4km is postponed to wednesday! there'll be another round of aches then. :( :( somebody help me pls. :
work was rather boring today. nth much happened. quite peaceful, probably coz i'm in charge of cashiering today. ^^ heh heh. dun need run around. :p. but got ppl sick sia, mc. so we were actually shorthanded. but luckily still can manage. :D
yay! tmr finally not working le. can rest.. but then again. i feel like going out. :/ but yet.. nobody to go out with. T.T sian-ed. who wants to go out?! just dont wan to rot my sunday away la. :(
who wants to go out??!!!! :x :x :x (but go where i dunno) :p
WANTED New hp New bag A nice nice cap Clinique Happy Heart (perfume) More clothes A job Overseas trip (taiwan/spain/japan & etc) License (Car/Bike?) More time More money!!! Slim down More fun, joy & laughter